Ankle Sprain Management Through Direct Primary Care (DPC)

Updated on: September 14, 2023

When the ligaments connecting the ankle bones are stretched or torn, an ankle sprain occurs. It can cause pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected foot. During sports, exercise, or everyday activities, ankle sprains can occur when the ankle is twisted, rolled, or turned in an awkward way. There are three grades of ankle sprains, depending on the severity of the ligament damage: grade 1 (mild), grade 2 (moderate), and grade 3 (severe).

In direct primary care (DPC), patients can receive primary care directly from their physicians, without having to deal with insurance companies or third party payers. DPC practices charge patients a monthly or annual fee for unlimited consultations, exams, care coordination, and some lab services. For emergencies and specialized care, DPC practices recommend that patients have a high-deductible health plan.

How DPC Can Help Manage Your Ankle Sprains

You may benefit from joining a DPC practice if you have an ankle sprain or are at risk of developing one. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Your physician can spend more time with you during your visit. DPC practices typically have fewer patients than traditional practices, which means that your physician can devote more time to you. Your physician can discuss your symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies in detail. You can also contact your physician by phone, email, or video chat, whenever you need.

  • You can save money and avoid hassle. DPC practices charge a flat fee that covers all your primary care needs, without any copays or deductibles. You do not need to worry about insurance claims, billing codes, or prior authorizations. As part of your DPC practice, you may also receive discounts on medications, labs, imaging, and supplements.

  • You can get personalized ankle sprain management. DPC practices offer a holistic approach to health care that is tailored to your individual needs and preferences. The treatment plan can be tailored to your medical history, lifestyle, goals, and values. Depending on your needs, you can also be referred to specialists or surgeons.

The Benefits of DPC for Ankle Sprain Patients

A DPC practice can provide you with the following benefits if you suffer from ankle sprains:

  • DPC practices can provide you with prompt and effective treatment for ankle sprains such as rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE), anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, braces, splints, or crutches. Physical therapy, exercises, and balance training can also be used to prevent recurrence or complications.

  • Improved quality of life. DPC practices can help you reduce your pain and discomfort caused by your ankle sprain. You can also improve your emotional well-being by having a supportive and trusting relationship with your physician. “The best doctor gives the least medicine,” Franklin said.

  • As a result of DPC practices, you can address the underlying causes of your ankle sprain, such as muscle weakness, joint instability, or poor footwear. You can also get comprehensive care for other health issues, such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity.

Personalized Ankle Sprain Management in DPC

To join a DPC practice for ankle sprain management, follow these steps:

  • Find a DPC practice near you. You can search online for DPC practices in your area or ask friends or family who have already joined one.

  • Different DPC practices offer different services and fees. You can check their websites or call them to find out what their monthly or annual fees are, what services are included or excluded, what discounts they offer on medications or labs, and what referral or cancellation policies they have.

  • Schedule an initial consultation with your chosen DPC practice. Your physician will discuss your medical history, current symptoms, treatment goals, and expectations. You can also ask any questions you have about the DPC model.

  • You can pay your fee online or in person and get access to all the benefits of DPC. You can schedule appointments as often as you like and contact your physician at any time.

Published on: July 20, 2023