How DPC Can Help Manage Your Celiac Disease

Updated on: September 20, 2023

Whenever gluten is ingested, celiac disease causes damage to the small intestine, a chronic autoimmune disorder. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and some other grains. Symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, skin rash, and neurological problems. The only treatment for celiac disease is a strict gluten-free diet, which means avoiding all foods and products that contain gluten.

You may pay a monthly or annual fee to your primary care physician directly without involving an insurance company in direct primary care (DPC). In exchange, you get unlimited access to your doctor, who can provide a range of primary care services, including consultations, exams, care coordination, and some lab tests. You can also manage your celiac disease with DPC in several ways:

  • A DPC doctor can diagnose and monitor your celiac disease and refer you to a gastroenterologist or nutritionist when needed. They can also help you prepare for endoscopy or biopsy procedures and follow up with you afterward.

  • In addition to addressing your questions and concerns about celiac disease and gluten-free diet, DPC doctors can also educate you on reading food labels, avoiding cross-contamination, and coping with social situations involving food.

  • Medications, labs, imaging, and supplements that may help with celiac disease or your overall health may be discounted by DPC doctors. Additionally, patients can negotiate lower prices with providers who accept direct payment from them for specialty services or procedures.

  • By avoiding unnecessary office visits or trips to the emergency room, DPC doctors can offer you telehealth services such as phone calls, emails, or video chats that can save you money and time. In case of an urgent or complication related to your celiac disease, you can also contact them anytime.

The Benefits of DPC for Celiac Disease Patients

Celiac disease patients may benefit from DPC over traditional insurance-based primary care for several reasons:

  • By eliminating copays, deductibles, and coinsurance, DPC can save you money on primary care. You also pay a flat fee that doesn't change based on how often you see your doctor.

  • Having a personal relationship with your doctor who knows you and your medical history can improve your quality of care through DPC. As well as longer and more frequent visits, your doctor can provide comprehensive and holistic care for your celiac disease and other health concerns.

  • By giving you more control over your health care decisions, DPC can increase your satisfaction. In addition to scheduling appointments and communicating with your doctor more easily, you have more flexibility in choosing a doctor who matches your preferences and values.

Personalized Celiac Disease Management in DPC

Among the main benefits of DPC is that it allows for personalized celiac disease management adapted to your specific needs and goals. Your DPC doctor can work with you to create a customized plan that includes:

  • Assessment of the impact of celiac disease on your health and quality of life

  • The pros and cons of different diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, genetic tests, endoscopies, or biopsies

  • Referral to a gastroenterologist who can perform necessary tests and confirm the diagnosis

  • Instructions on what to do before, during, and after the tests

  • A follow-up that involves reviewing the results, adjusting medications, and providing support after the tests

  • Describes what foods to eat and avoid while eating gluten-free, how to shop for gluten-free products, how to cook gluten-free meals, and how to dine out safely while eating gluten-free

  • Lifestyle changes, supplements, and regular physical examinations are all part of a prevention strategy

In managing your celiac disease, your DPC doctor will also consider your preferences, values, expectations, and concerns. You will be listened to attentively, your questions will be answered honestly, and your choices will be respected. You will be involved in every step of the process and make sure you are satisfied.

Published on: August 14, 2023