How DPC Can Help Manage Your Contact Dermatitis

Updated on: September 25, 2023

Dermatitis caused by contact with chemicals or other substances is usually not serious but can be uncomfortable. Treatment depends on what caused your dermatitis.

In the past, have you ever found that your skin became discolored and itchy after using a new type of skin care product or detergent? In most cases, contact dermatitis is not severe, but it can be unpleasant until the itching goes away. It occurs when chemicals come into contact with your skin and cause a reaction.

What causes contact dermatitis?

Contact dermatitis is typically classified as allergic or irritant by experts.

In allergy contact dermatitis, your body releases inflammatory chemicals that cause your skin to feel itchy and irritated after being exposed to a foreign substance. Contact with the following substances can cause allergic contact dermatitis:

  • jewelry made from nickel or gold

  • latex

  • perfumes or chemicals in cosmetics and skin care products

  • poison oak or poison ivy

An irritant contact dermatitis occurs when your skin comes into contact with a toxic substance. Toxic substances that can cause irritant contact dermatitis include:

  • battery acid

  • bleach

  • chlorinated water (like in pools)

  • drain cleaners

  • kerosene

  • detergents

  • pepper spray

The skin can also become irritated when it comes into contact with less irritating materials too often, such as soap. Those who wash their hands frequently, such as hairdressers, bartenders, and healthcare workers, often suffer from irritant contact dermatitis.

In contrast to contact dermatitis, photocontact dermatitis occurs when active ingredients in a skin product irritate your skin when exposed to the sun. According to doctors and other healthcare professionals, photocontact dermatitis is either an allergic or an irritant reaction.

What are the symptoms of contact dermatitis?

Symptoms of contact dermatitis depend on the cause and how sensitive you are to the substance.

Symptoms of allergic contact dermatitis include:

  • dry, scaly, flaky skin

  • a bumpy, itchy rash

  • hives

  • oozing blisters

  • skin that appears darkened

  • skin that burns

  • sun sensitivity

  • swelling, especially in your eyes, face, or groin areas

Skin discoloration is another common symptom. Light skin may turn red while dark skin may turn purple, dark brown, or gray.

Contact dermatitis caused by an irritant may cause different symptoms, such as:

  • blistering

  • cracking skin due to extreme dryness

  • swelling

  • skin that feels stiff or tight

  • ulcerations

  • open sores that form crusts

How does direct primary care (DPC) work?

A direct primary care model (DPC) allows primary care physicians to provide their services directly to their patients without the involvement of insurance companies. The membership fee covers a variety of primary care services, including consultations, exams, care coordination, and some lab services, without any additional charges at the time of service.

How DPC can help manage your contact dermatitis

Patients with contact dermatitis may benefit from DPC in several ways, including:

  • It is easier for your doctor to provide more personalized care because DPC physicians have fewer patients than traditional primary care physicians. As a result, you may feel more comfortable discussing your contact dermatitis concerns with your doctor and build a trusting relationship.

  • The availability of flexible scheduling, same-day appointments, and extended hours is a benefit of DPC practices. In addition to communicating with patients and providing care remotely, they also use technology such as phone calls, email, and video chats. Your doctor can be reached whenever you have a question or need a prescription refill, saving you time and hassle when you visit the clinic.

  • More affordability and transparency: DPC practices charge a flat fee that covers most of your primary care needs. In addition, you'll know exactly what you're paying for and what services are included in your membership. You don't have to worry about deductibles, copays, coinsurance, or surprise bills. Some DPC practices may also offer discounts on medication and lab testing.

The benefits of DPC for contact dermatitis patients

You can enjoy the following benefits by choosing DPC for your contact dermatitis care:

  • Preventive care services include regular screening for contact dermatitis and other related conditions offered by DPC practices. By getting tested and treated early, you can prevent your symptoms from worsening and improve your quality of life. Additionally, they use the latest guidelines and evidence-based practices to provide fast and accurate testing and treatment.

  • In addition to monitoring patients' symptoms, checking their response to treatment, and adjusting medication dosage if necessary, DPC practices provide comprehensive care for patients with contact dermatitis. In addition, they provide follow-up testing and counseling to prevent complications or side effects from medication, and they coordinate with other specialists or health care providers.

  • Education and support: DPC practices provide education and support for contact dermatitis patients, including how to prevent contact dermatitis and other related problems, how to manage your symptoms naturally through diet and lifestyle changes, how to use medication safely and effectively, and how to deal with the emotional impact of having contact dermatitis. You can also find out about other services and resources that can help you feel better.

Personalized contact dermatitis management in DPC

Personalized contact dermatitis management is available at DPC practices. For example:

  • Your DPC doctor may suggest alternative or complementary therapies that may help reduce your inflammation or accelerate healing if you prefer a natural or holistic approach to your contact dermatitis treatment.

  • DPC doctors may adjust your treatment plan accordingly if you have other health conditions that may affect your contact dermatitis treatment or outcome, such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, or depression.

  • To help you adhere to your contact dermatitis treatment regimen or remember to take your medication on time, your DPC doctor may use reminders or incentives.

  • DPC doctors may use secure communication channels or encryption methods to protect your personal information if you are concerned about confidentiality or privacy.

You can see that DPC can help you manage your contact dermatitis and improve your health more effectively. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” DPC emphasizes prevention and wellness instead of disease and illness. The DPC model of medicine is based on showing respect and interest in its patients, especially those with simple and common conditions like contact dermatitis. For more information about Direct Primary Care, you can visit the website of the American Academy of Family Physicians or the Direct Primary Care Coalition.

Published on: September 25, 2023