How DPC Can Help Manage Your Dysphagia

Updated on: September 30, 2023

Despite being more common in older adults, dysphagia can affect people of all ages. It can be caused by nerve or muscle problems, structural abnormalities, infections, or tumors in the mouth, throat, or esophagus. As well as pain, coughing, choking, regurgitation, and weight loss, dysphagia can cause malnutrition and weight loss. Aspiration pneumonia, caused by food or liquid entering the airway, can also be caused by dysphagia.

As opposed to traditional health care, direct primary care (DPC) allows primary care physicians to provide services directly to their patients, without involving insurance companies. Among the services patients can access are consultations, exams, lab tests, and care coordination, which they pay a monthly or annual fee for. Typically, DPC practices have fewer patients and more time for each visit, allowing for more personalized and comprehensive care.

How DPC Can Help Manage Your Dysphagia

Dysphagia patients can benefit from DPC in several ways, such as:

The Benefits of DPC for Dysphagia Patients

People with dysphagia can benefit from DPC in the following ways:

  • You can have a closer relationship with your primary care physician, who can get to know you better and understand your needs and preferences.

  • DPC physicians treat not only physical issues but also mental and emotional well-being as well as lifestyle changes, such as nutrition, hydration, stress management, and smoking cessation.

  • In addition to having more input and control over your treatment options, you can also select the DPC practice that best suits your needs and values.

  • Your DPC physician can provide you with more convenience, flexibility, transparency, and respect.

Personalized Dysphagia Management in DPC

Personalized dysphagia management can improve your quality of life and health outcomes. Some examples include:

  • We provide individualized treatment plans based on your medical history, current medications, allergies, and goals.

  • Providing access to new therapies and technologies not covered by insurance.

  • Assessing your swallowing function and quality of life through regular screening tests and surveys.

  • Manage your symptoms or underlying conditions with medications or supplements.

  • Exercises or therapies that can improve your swallowing function and prevent complications.

  • Helping you cope with the challenges of living with dysphagia by referring you to education and support programs.

As Winston Churchill once said: “Never give in. Never give in. Never give in.”

For those who are looking for more personalized, comprehensive, and affordable primary care, DPC can be a viable option.

Published on: September 30, 2023