How DPC Can Help Manage Your Epilepsy

Updated on: September 30, 2023

Epilepsy causes recurring, unprovoked seizures. Seizures are bursts of electrical activity in the brain that temporarily affect the way it works. In addition to confusion, staring, jerking movements, and loss of consciousness, they can also cause psychological changes. The causes of epilepsy include genetics, head trauma, infections, stroke, tumors, or developmental disorders. MRI, PET scan, electroencephalogram, and blood tests are used to diagnose epilepsy. The treatment of epilepsy aims to prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of seizures and to improve the quality of life of people with epilepsy. There are a variety of treatment options, including medication, surgery, devices, dietary therapy, and complementary therapies.

Epilepsy management involves regular monitoring and follow-up with your physician. Aside from avoiding or minimizing your exposure to seizure triggers, you may also have to adjust your lifestyle to cope with the emotional and social impacts of epilepsy. However, accessing quality and affordable health care can be challenging for many people with epilepsy. This is where direct primary care (DPC) can help.

The Benefits of DPC for Epilepsy Patients

In exchange for a monthly or annual fee, primary care physicians can offer their services directly to their patients through direct primary care (DPC), without having to deal with insurance companies. Primary care services provided by DPC include consultations, exams, care coordination, and lab testing. Patients can also communicate with their physicians via telephone, email, or video chat through DPC.

DPC has many benefits for patients with epilepsy, such as:

Personalized Epilepsy Management in DPC

A DPC physician can provide you with personalized and holistic care that addresses your physical, mental, and emotional needs. A DPC physician can also:

  • Learn about your condition and your treatment options

  • Keep a close eye on your symptoms and treatment response

  • You may need to adjust the dosage and frequency of your medication

  • Treatment side effects and complications should be managed

  • Provide you with information on how to prevent epilepsy from worsening or recurrence

  • Enhance your health and well-being by empowering you

The doctor of the future will not prescribe medicine, but will instruct his patients on how to maintain a healthy human frame, how to eat, and how to prevent disease, as Thomas Edison said. In a DPC practice, your physician is more than just a physician. Your health journey can be accompanied by a partner.

Published on: September 30, 2023